Come talk with us at the next show!
At Flash, we love to connect with people and create genuine relationships. We want to talk to you about how we can help grow your pharmacy, so please visit us at our booth or set up a meeting!

find us at the following shows

Pharmacy Profit Summit
Omni Dallas Hotel
Aug. 4-5, 2023
Dallas, TX

NACDS TSE | Converge
Aug. 12-14, 2023
San Diego, CA

Oct. 14-16, 2022
Orlando, FL

Event TBD

Event TBD

Event TBD

Event TBD
We love meeting our customers and partners face to face! After the hiatus from tradeshows due to Covid, we are excited to attend conferences again and speak in person about all the ways that Flash as a reverse distribution parter gets extra profits for pharmacies from all around the country. There’s a reason our company has grown as fast as it has and why our customers take advantage of our easy-to-use returns platform to increase their profits month over month. For just a few minutes of your time, we’d love to explain to you why Flash Returns is the only reverse distribution partner your pharmacy needs.
Be sure to stop by our booths and check us out the tradeshows we’ll be at this year above. Or if you’d rather schedule a time, please send an email to and we’ll set up a meeting. Our expert reps are personable, knowledgeable, and are ready to share their excitement about what separates us from the other reverse distribution partners.

Helping You Navigate the Returns Process!
Pedigree Statement
Flash Returns, LLC has strict standard operating procedures and a pharmaceutical services agreement (PSA) with it’s clients…
Flash Returns, LLC has strict standard operating procedures and a pharmaceutical services agreement (PSA) with its clients. This is to ensure that the reverse distribution portion of the supply chain that we service keeps its functionality and integrity for our customers and the public.
Several pedigree and distribution level issues have been raised in the industry. Discounted, indigent-pricing, short dated, bulk purchase, secondary distribution, or DSCSA non-compliant sales could affect the credit available for a product based on a manufacturers determination. We ask that you do not return these products for credit as they are not eligible in most cases. Flash Returns LLC may choose to dispose of these on the pharmacies behalf at no charge if the cost is low relative to the return. Most customers purchasing products from reputable wholesalers will not encounter these issues, however all pharmacies are asked to acknowledge our policy on pedigree and legitimacy of product here and by signing the PSA before a return is initiated.
Some manufacturers may require proof the price paid for a product and what wholesaler distributed the product. Issues causing triggering this could be: bulk or large quantities of single items or lots, or products purchased speculatively. In some cases we may request invoices from the customer to ensure Flash Returns or manufacturer policy is being met. If none are available or if the information isn’t accepted by the manufacturer it could cause the return to be non-returnable.
Flash Returns, LLC cannot guarantee or be liable for the value or credit for products that were purchased outside of manufacturer accepted distribution channels. This could include products: purchased from a wholesaler that is not an approved vendor, products not purchased directly from a particular manufacturer, purchased on a speculative basis, diverted or counterfeit products, foreign products, and any product purchased on a non-returnable basis, including short-dated product purchased at discounted pricing.
At any time, Flash Returns, LLC or a manufacturer may require invoices or pedigree information demonstrating proof of purchase. If product has been shipped by Flash Returns, LLC or the Customer to a manufacturer or their agent, Flash Returns, LLC cannot guarantee or facilitate the return of product to the Customer. Manufacturers reverse the right to destroy product they deem not credit worthy or suspect. Manufacturers agreeing to return product to customers will do so at the customers expense. Flash Returns, LLC shall not be responsible for reimbursing a Customer for such product.
If Customer is unable to have product returned within 21 days, product is subject to be destroyed without any payment or credit issued to Customer. In any dispute, failure by Customer to provide invoices for a product or pedigree if requested shall release Flash Returns, LLC from any and all liability of products involved in dispute including the full value of the product. More information on drug pedigrees is available on the FDA website at:
Pedigree Statement
P: 833.553.5274
10893 Indeco Dr., Blue Ash, OH 45241